Wednesday, January 14, 2009

303 Digital and Twitter

Plucked from the 303 Digital Blog..

"A discussion on mobile wouldn’t be complete without touching on Twitter – definitely the buzz brand of late 08, if you don’t know it; it’s a social networking tool and/or micro-blogging service. Basically, users can either write or sign up to mini updates of up to 140 characters in length. Barack Obama sent endless ‘tweets’ during the Presidential campaign to hundreds of thousands of followers, and continues to do so as we head to the inauguration...,39044908,62049668,00.htm

Brands have begun using it as part of wider campaign activity, for a review of some of those see here: This includes a dabble from Telstra last year, to much derision from the blogosphere:,telstra-faces-backlash-on-twitter.aspx. We won’t get too excited in Australia just yet, as you can’t receive tweets on mobile here, but if, as many believe Google buy Twitter then that’ll surely change. Although debate about Twitter’s monetization will need to be looked at before that happens. "

"Loving Twitter :) It's good to see a lot of big brands are now beginning to make the most of getting consumers opinions about their products. It’s these smart cookies that are the ones in the trenches watching and listening to what the general public say about them. The world of digital is expanding, faster than most can handle, but the businesses who choose to ignore it will be left behind and unaware of what the public perception is about them.

Take Starbucks for example who were monitoring a discussion on a website about their products, when somebody complained that when the ice in their drink melted, it became too watery. Alas, the idea of coffee flavoured ice cubes was born. Straight from the Horses mouth!

M. x "

I'm very excite! It's nice, I like!

Twitt Twitt!