Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Mr President By Pepsi

Dear Mr. President..
You have something to say to the President of the United States? Then you can upload your video to Dear Mr. President, a 'seemingly nice' action coming from Pepsi and R/GA.

Consumers pushing content back to the advertiser
"What does this mean for online video? Well, it means that banner advertising has done what cable did when it went digital, it became a two-way communication avenue. Not only can content be pushed to viewers as it has been doing for years, but now it also allows the consumer, the viewers, to push content back. It allows for dynamic interaction and compilation of user-created content. It gives the people, the consumers, the viewers a voice. More than a voice, it gives them a potentially fully interactive medium with which to reach out to the advertisers. Imagine that, consumers reaching through the internet toward you, telling you what they want to see, hear, buy. Telling you what they like and don’t like and telling you who they are, where they are and what they’re thinking.
Isn’t that what technology is about? Enabling us to do what we couldn’t before, to go beyond what we ever hoped and to connect us all like never before? Sure it might not seem like much but it’s a step forward. It’s a potential way for advertisers to better understand their consumers, to better target their advertising and to better spend that all-important marketing budget."

Keeping a playful, open mind in creative thinking

TBC :)

sources: how to have kick-ass ideas
Paul Ardens books

also... write up about beliefs and the social conditioning matrix!

Canon ad

One of my old favourites.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Random archives

Great Flash intro..
Gold!! I want it!!

Old Resume..
An online resume.. was on the right track!
Not a bad effort for a 15 year old.

About the girl.. 2004..
yep yep

Laughing baby.. SO CUTE
Bahahaahhahahaa, if you don't laugh at this you don't have a soul.

Happy Australia Day :)

For tomorrow! .... 5 days til doomsday 20... my life is spiralling downwards! haha! New (and first) layout up and running..

Photo extracted from "adventures on a Friday night".. Love it :)

Anywho.. now that I'm finally on top of reviewing and refiling old photos, images, designs and web layouts stored in the jam packed folders on my computer, hosted on Geocities (10+ accounts), Photobucket, Myspace and Angelfire from up to 8 years ago, I can FINALLY get cracking on my favourites saved in IE from up to 4 years ago. :)

Such a good feeling! Found some pretty awesome stuff, will be posting it up here in good time :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

things to write up on

  • social conditioning matrix
  • ideas - images or associations that challenge your mind.. think of the wrong things.
  • A truly charismatic person will adapt their behaviour to suit each person.
  • Word repetition is a good technique, which is basically taking words or sentiments from what people say and repeating them back, so they feel you really 'get' what they're saying.
  • Get into the habit of listening and not speaking straight away.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

By Michelle..

Ahoy! I went through boxes of my old school work recently and found a couple of keepers.. Some from Art & Design, TEE Art and Visual Media (Photography). There are also a few newies in there too.

{click to see full image}

303 Coffee stint

Obviously my coffees look ten thousand times better now, after making them for clients for nearly a year! haha.
But I found this image on my computer from the time I spent my lunch break making stencils of the 303 logo (left) and others like smiley faces, swirls and flower prints.

**Update** 25.01.09 JUST found this surfing the net for the latest... bahahaha

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Street Art at it's best

Jump to - Plastic Bag Animals, Joshua Allen Harris
Jump to - Little people of London, Slinkachu
Jump to - Darius + Downey, favourites
Jump to - Banksy, favourites

Plastic Bag Animals

Every time we start to think that street art is starting to get a bit tired and boring, along - out of nowhere - comes something that reconnects us with why we fell in love with street art in the first place.

There's an artist called Joshua Allen Harris, who's been making these animals out of discarded plastic bags. He ties the bags to the ventilation grates above the subway lines in so that when the subway rushes through underneath, the animal jumps up and springs to life! If I saw this on the street, I'd probably freak out, but they look awesome nonetheless!!

Little people of London - a tiny street art project

Now to introduce you to one of my fave street artists in the galaxy.. London’s mind-blowing Slinkachu! His on-going miniature street art project “Little People” is easily one of the greatest things ever.

Slinkachu, a 28 year old graphic designer, has been making unusual street art installations around London, and if you blink, you'll miss them - the figurines are smaller than a 5c piece. He creates a micro-world that exists along side ours. A man hunts flies, a woman jogs and life goes on in a scale model of reality.

"They play with the idea of being dwarfed by the city"

Slinkachu hand paints and deposits his figurines, documenting the displays with close up camera work. I absolutely love the idea, my favourite probably being the guitar hero with the ipod earphone as his speaker. Awesome :D

Same Old Song

Rush Hour

Manhole Swimming


Dear Son

An installation he produced for the Tresspass Alliance show:

Darius + Downey

about the dudes
London duo Darius (a.k.a Leon Reid) and Downey (a.k.a Brad Downey), have been around for more than 10 years since high school in NY. They've just released a street art book called "The Adventures of Darius and Downey" which follows the artists as they work, avoid arrest, go to school, move to England, break-up, scale buildings and ultimately redefine the street art game for the 21st century.

And some work by the two:


Oh, I just HAD to! I LOVE his work!