Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dear blog,

For your 4th birthday, I'm sending you to Tumblr!!!

Yayyy! x

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Telstra public phone Hijack

Via Three Drunk Monkeys. Love the idea!

Escape machine - Surprise

Escape Machines - Surprise from The Cool Hunter on Vimeo.

"DDB Paris created this simple, fun “Escape Machine” experience for the French travel company Voyages SNCF.

Menacing, glowing black cubes wait till someone goes close enough. Then the cube asks where the person would like to travel. Pushing the red button produces a crazy celebration, complete with gigantic walking kisses, and provides the wishers large, customized mock tickets to their destination. Watching the faces of the onlookers is just as much fun as the experience itself!"

This is awesome. Made me smile :)

M. x

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Glossy Awards. Hilarious

Loved this ad for the new awards program, titled The Glossy Awards! (magazine)
Click for larger. Cracked me up!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy 4th birthday to my blog!!

Wow! Has it really been that long?! Happy Birthday to my blog-ski!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Your Facebook memories.. in a book!

When I 'graduate' from facebook.. (I can't see that happening any time soon!) I want one of these. It's kinda like a Facebook year book, don't you think? Love the cheesy memory music! Reminds me of every other South Park episode where they discuss what they have learnt from the events of the day. Hahaha..

Lollies for grown ups

Haha.. I love these! Done by DDB NZ. I think they're fairly old now but hey, I've been away for a while! :) I have a fair amount of catching up to do.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Just read up on my stat counter for this blog.. Had a loooot of traffic on here yesterday! Almost a record high. I don't know how or why.. but I like it! (I suspect most of it was through twitter. Yep, I'm tweeting again. Picked up from where I left off)

So now I'm even more excited to get cracking on my blog. Expect some awesome posting! :)

M. x

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Digital Marketing workshop

WOW! I'm loving AdSchool! I got to sit in on the Digital Marketing workshop with Heather Albrecht last Friday. She was such a fantastic lecturer, the workshop was so insightful and inspiring. I came out of it feeling so energised! I couldn’t wait to get cracking on my blog again. And now I finally have some more things to add to my brain-bank. Some memorable points:

Participation Branding - "What we lose in control, we gain in brand engagement"

Matching luggage - through the line integration. Big idea = media neutral.

Viral is not a brief, it's a bonus.
It’s a commitment, not a campaign.

The three C's - Content, Community, Conversation.

Bought + Owned = Earned (media).

Facebook marketing – use to measure demographics!


Prequel ads (ninemsn etc)
Before selector = 25% abandon website
with selector = 10% abandon website

Facebook plugins/social plugins - iframes

Comment/like on page without leaving site

Community Managers - not marketers/ad agency. New jobs opening up - Journalists?

Three things I'm going to do differently:

Create more online participation - ask more questions, get feedback
Try to get advertising/bought media, send to (hopefully new) website, and facebook/twitter
Get video marketing material
Get onto podcasts!
Netvibes homepage – personalised content on demand.

Social influencers – dance party video! Have to find this!

Inga.. You are hilair.

This chick totes cracks me up! hahahh.

Button me up

Snapped from a cute craft shop in Berri.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

60 completely unusable stock photos

This made my day! hahaha

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spotted Billboard

Spotted in Glebe, Sydney.


My Bannerblog of the day - Make it better

Monday, March 14, 2011

AdSchool Foundation course

Things to remember from Advertising Foundation:

"The memorable never emerged from a formula" - Bill Bernbach

"What's new today is old tomorrow"

"In Communications, familiarity breeds apathy" - Bill Bernbach

So what's different these days? "The media landscape has seen more change in the past five years than in the previous thirty-five years. The pace of change will continue, driven by the new technology and new media, which allows the consumer to access media at a time of their choosing. No longer is there ‘below the line’ advertising and ‘above the line’ advertising. There is no line –the advertiser must choose from myriad communication channels." - Harold Mitchell, AO, CEO Mitchell & Partners

Creative - scribble 100 ideas on the back of beer coasters

Airport roullette:

BUY MAD MEN ON DVD!! (currently bidding on ebay - can't wait!)

It's been a while...!!

WOW. Great to be back in the game! After so long of being away from Adland, I'm back.. At The Communications Council as the AdSchool Account Coordinator.. primarily for Sydney but also administrating Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth. Could things really get any better? I don’t think so.. I’m loving it! I’ve met heaps of amazing people, get to go to tons of ad events, and basically do what I love (AdSchool of course!).

Did I mention how much I loved Sydney?

Too much!

More to post soon..

M. x