Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Font of the day

Download the lego alphabet!


"Publicis Mojo's Australian Chief Creative Officer Craig Davis is out to help everyone make better brand choices and influence brand behavior for good”.

"My issue with Brandkarma is not what it's nobly trying to achieve, but simply this: 99.9% of consumers, the regular mums, dads and kids out there, couldn't care less about contributing to sites like Brandkarma. As usual, the committed - from genuinely interested to zealots on a mission - will dominate and sway the findings accordingly.
For instance, I reckon 90% of Australians don't have any problems with Nestle - but according to BK they obviously do."

At least someone is giving it a crack. It's a good start anyway. For a personal project it is actually a great start! Maybe if there was some incentive for any consumer to log their opinions on brands, rather than just them putting in their two cents for nothing in return other than to see what others think, too..

Definitely raised a few eyebrows on Campaign Brief!

Cute little intro video as well!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brand channel - it's time for brand school!

I want to learnnnn!!!!!

Freshmen ads

Somewhere there's a junior creative crying in a beer.

Bars do it. Diners do it. Dry Cleaners do it.

Hang the first ads you were paid to write, design, direct, produce and sell to the client right here on our wall.

As Letterman would say, "This is an exhibition, not a competition. Please, no wagering."

"The year was 1987 (there, you made me say it) and the place was The Richards Group in Dallas. This was one of those junior team hand-me-down projects that was due almost overnight.

Luckily for me I was paired with a talented female writer who had a much deeper appreciation for mammographies than myself. You can tell I was heavily influenced by everything coming out of Minneapolis at the time. This actually made it into The One Show that year.

My, how times and tastes have changed. – Scott Ballew"

KFC anthem! hahaha

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What do you value most in an agency?

Some good insight in this article plucked for Marketing Mag