Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today I'm posting on the 30th of March, just over a month after being made redundant (22nd of Feb) from my old agency, 303. As you can imagine, I was extremely shocked and upset, but within a week I began to realise that although 303 was my pride and joy, it really wasn't the end of the world. In fact, I began to see that the old saying is true: that when one door closes, many more doors full of new paths and new opportunities will open for you.

After a lot of pep talking and time to reassess my situation, a new idea was brought to life.
Europe 2010!

I've got a European Passport - why wouldn't I get out and see the world :D Still haven't met my relatives in Germany, Ben is coming with, the duffman will be in good hands with my brother, and I've got no job that I feel I'm married to holding me back!

So I've just accepted my first permanent full time job lined up for 2 weeks time in a post production agency in west perth when I get back from Melbourne. So, January 2010, I'm outta here!!

Saatchi's NY & London, expect a visit :D